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sample shareholder agreement for startup pdf, sample shareholder agreement for startup, shareholders agreement template two parties, Shareholder Agreement Template, what is a shareholders agreement

A Complete Guide On Shareholder Agreement Template

When setting up an organization with family or friends it’s easy to assume that nothing can fail in the future.   You might assume that as you trust one another you do not need to put in place something like a shareholders’ agreement.   So, you might think that asking for a shareholders’ agreement will […]

Why is debt cheaper than equity, Why is debt cheaper than equity wso, Reasons why debt is cheaper than equity, Why is cost of debt cheaper than equity, How is debt cheaper than equity

A Comprehensive Comparison to Ascertain Why Debt is Cheaper Than Equity

CEOs of early-stage firms rarely think of debt financing as growth capital. Venture capital has more considerable mindshare. Many founders are anxious about taking money that has an interest rate or repayment cap attached. They do not know that debt is cheaper than equity.   Financing your healthy growing company with debt is not the […]

Limited Partnership Agreemen, Types of Partnerships, limited partnership agreement template, sample of limited partnership agreement, sample limited partnership agreement, limited partnership agreement sample

Limited Partnership Agreement : Pros, Cons And Sample Template

When you start your venture, you’ve got a variety of selections to form. What are you going to offer? What market are you going to target?   Are you planning to run your business solo or have a helping hand? If you don’t want to run your business alone, you may consider forming a partnership. […]

How to Start a Clothing Line, clothing manufacturers, design your own clothing, how to start a clothing business online, how to start a clothing line for free

A Step By Step Guide On How To Start A Clothing Line

Many people want to start a clothing brand or clothing line. But, how difficult could it be?   Let me tell you that clothing brands become successful in part because they’re created by people who are passionate about clothing.   But, a clothing brand needs an exquisite apparel design to form an everlasting business. Also, […]

Customer Discovery Process, customer discovery questions, customer discovery template, Customer Development Model, customer discovery lean startup, customer discovery questions examples

A Step By Step Guide On Customer Discovery Process

Before creating a product you should be well versed with your customer. Moreover, it’s not just a problem rather you should also be well versed on how to propose a solution.   However, the biggest challenge that you face throughout the journey is creating a value proposition not only for your customers but also for […]

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All You Need To Know About Sales 101 With Its Examples

Let’s go through a scenario to understand sales 101. If your business has built a social media amplification tool (e.g., it helps clients virally spread their message through social sharing).    The wrong pitch would be talking about how great your technology is and all the “bells and whistles” you have built into the product.  […]

measuring leadership, metrics for measuring leadership, measuring leadership effectiveness, measuring leadership impact, instrument for measuring leadership effectiveness

Measuring Leadership Effectively From All Sides

The word leader came into existence in 1837. It originated from an Old English word ‘lædan’ that means to lead as a guide. A leader leads because of their Leadership qualities.   It’s an innate skill of every leader. Thus measurement of leadership skills is essential to gauge its efficiency from an organizational perspective.   […]

finance to purchase an existing business, Sba loan to buy an existing business, finance to purchase an existing business Australia, loan to buy existing business south Africa, finance for buying an existing business

A Complete Guide on How to Get Finance to Purchase an Existing Business

You may be dreaming of owning your own business. But a scary statistic might be stopping you. It is that 50% of businesses with employees fail within five years. Then getting finance to purchase an existing business may be the answer to your prayers.   Every year, more than 500,000 businesses change hands. It is expected to skyrocket […]

What are the 4 types of Innovation & Why it matters?

In this blog, you’ll get familiar with the four main types of innovation along with more other types & why it matters in the business world. Innovation is part of a Business Organization.   A study by Bern University says, only 15 percent of companies will make it to the 15 years mark whereas only […]