Top 10 Ways Big Data Impacts Business - ALCOR FUND


Top 10 Ways Big Data Impacts Business

  • May 6, 2022
  • George Molakal

Big data has revolutionized the world in more ways than one. From healthcare to marketing, from entertainment to education, it’s hard to find an industry that hasn’t been impacted by big data in some capacity. With such widespread use comes important implications for businesses both large and small. In order to make the most of these tools, we need to understand exactly how they impact our lives. Here are 10 ways big data impacts business. With this information, you can be prepared for whatever might come your way in this new digital world we live in.

1) Smartphones

Mobile has impacted how we interact with big data, and smartphones have become our biggest devices for interacting with it. Some 89 percent of consumers say they use their smartphone in some way to access information from big data companies.

Here are some ways these devices are impacting business:

1. Location-based services. Big data is increasingly being used to provide location-based services. These inform us about what’s around us at any given time. This includes restaurants or ATM machines, or stores that might be offering discounts.

2. Recommendations based on big data analysis-Big data enables businesses to make recommendations based on previous customer behavior. For example, if you like action movies, big data can help recommend other action movies you might enjoy.

3. Big data powering apps and social media platforms – Big data helps power many popular apps, including Facebook and Twitter; it also powers many mobile games (think Angry Birds).

4. Big data informing marketing campaigns- Big data can help marketers better target customers with ads and promotions. This allows them to create more relevant messages for specific audiences.

5. Big data informing product development. Companies can gain valuable insights into consumer habits by analyzing big data; as a result, they’re able to develop products that more effectively meet consumer needs and desires.

6. Big data improving inventory management systems- Big data can help companies improve their inventory management systems. This helps them keep track of supply levels and ensure they don’t run out of stock when demand spikes.

7. Big data providing insight into consumer trends. Businesses can learn a lot about consumer trends through big data analysis, which allows them to understand why people buy certain things when they do—and when people stop buying those things altogether.

8. Big data increasing operational efficiency and reducing costs- Big data can help reduce waste and increase efficiency across all areas of an organization, resulting in cost savings.

9. Big data making it easier to manage employees- Big data makes it easier for employers to manage their employees because they can track employee performance more easily using big data tools such as Salesforce or Workday.

10. Big data enabling better decision making- By using big data analytics tools such as Tableau Software, businesses can make smarter decisions that lead to greater success over time.

Big data market share

2) Big Data and The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) will be a game changer for business. More and more, businesses will be collecting data from customers and employees. How they collect it and how they use it may very well determine whether they thrive or simply survive in a digital age.

These top ten ways Big Data impacts business will give you some inspiration to think about your own strategies for collecting useful information to help fuel your marketing initiatives as well as competitive advantage in business.

#1 Collecting Big Data is a must: If your company doesn’t already have a plan in place to start collecting big data, then now is not too soon. Whether it’s through loyalty programs or e-commerce tracking, you need to start gathering data on everything that moves—and quickly! You might have heard terms like Big Data and Internet of Things tossed around recently – these buzzwords are not just being used by people who work at technology companies anymore; instead, these phrases are starting to enter mainstream vocabulary as executives across industries begin to understand their impact on every industry sector.

Big data is big news, but what does it mean? What exactly does big data look like? And why should I care? This report gives you an overview of what big data means for your business and how it can be applied to improve your bottom line.

Here’s what we’ll cover: Big Data Defined – In order to understand big data, we first need to define it. We’ll look at various definitions that have been put forth over time, as well as discuss what makes big data so unique today compared with other types of datasets that came before it. Big Data Applications – Once we’ve defined big data, we’ll explore some examples of where big data has been applied successfully within different sectors and organizations — both public and private — including healthcare, education and government.

3) Big Data in Artificial Intelligence

Every company should use AI to help with operational costs, ensure a steady influx of new customers, reduce the possibility of current customers moving to competitors, increase efficiency and resource management, and other ways.  Artificial intelligence is a broad term that encompasses multiple technological advancements in computer technology. Big data and artificial intelligence are two peas in a pod, but they can also be very independent of one another.

While big data involves collecting and analyzing as much information as possible to make business decisions, artificial intelligence incorporates computers that learn and adapt over time to solve problems. It’s an important distinction between how big data functions without artificial intelligence applied versus how effective it can be with AI involved.

One of the most popular uses for artificial intelligence today is predictive analytics. By using historical data, algorithms, and machine learning techniques, businesses can forecast future sales figures or trends. Some systems have even become advanced enough to predict stock market movements before they happen! Predictive and prescriptive AI both use historical data from previous events to create predictions about what will happen next.

Big data graph

4) Big Data for Wearables

Wearables are currently a hot topic. They have various applications in healthcare, physical monitoring of patients, advanced tracking of elderly residents at old age homes. They are also entering the fitness market even though there’s still some doubt about how useful they’ll actually be. Yes, wearables give us more data about our bodies and make it easier to get information on the go—but so far, few wearables have proven highly useful for long-term health management or weight loss programs.

While wearable tech has yet to revolutionize healthcare, it has begun to show promise in other areas. For example, many companies use wearable devices to monitor their employees’ productivity levels throughout each day (with mixed results). But what if we could harness big data from these devices and use them as tools for change? In an ideal world, employers would be able to offer incentives based on employees’ activity levels throughout each day. Perhaps even encourage healthy competition between co-workers. Companies must adopt areas where they can use wearable technology to outpace the competition and keep their customer focus as a priority.

5) E-Commerce and real time data

When you think about big data, do you automatically assume it’s not relevant to your business? You couldn’t be more wrong. While some industries (finance and healthcare, for example) have been leveraging large sets of information for decades, others are just beginning to recognize big data as a tool for gaining a competitive advantage. If you think your company could benefit from big data analytics but aren’t sure where to start, take a look at these ways in which e-commerce is changing thanks to its use of data analysis. Whether you are considering bigger sources of information or simply want to boost results with existing information by applying some modern techniques to your business analytics, there is plenty here that will make an impact on your bottom line.

Here are a few things you can learn from big data. The advantages of using real-time analytics:

There are many different types of data available to businesses, but arguably none is more valuable than real-time data. A recent study conducted by Forbes found that real-time insights gleaned from social media interactions can lead to sales increases of up to 30 percent. But what exactly does that mean? Real-time analytics takes all forms of digital communication. This includes tweets, posts, likes, and shares – and turns them into actionable insights. These allow companies to respond quickly and effectively when faced with unexpected situations or opportunities.

For example, if a negative tweet gets posted about your product or service, big data tools can help you identify who posted it. They can also help determine whether the tweets represent a good customer to retain or someone who might become an advocate for one of your competitors. In addition to identifying potential customers, real-time analytics also allows companies to track competitors’ activities. They can do this across social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. This way they know how their own campaigns stack up against their rivals.

Big data graph

6) Big Data and Blockchain

The technology that underpins Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, blockchain can be thought of as a sort of distributed ledger. That means it is, a way to store records so that they are both highly secure and easily accessible. As digital currencies evolve and new applications for blockchain come to light, interest in blockchain has spread beyond cryptocurrencies into virtually every area of business. You might say Bitcoin paved the way for it, so let’s start there.

How does blockchain work? What is the difference between NoSQL and any other database? And what is all the hype about? Businesses must adopt blockchain over the next 10 years to advance their business model. Everything is becoming accountable and transparent. It is a matter of time before blockchain becomes part of the business model. Companies must explore this clearly.  It will impact every industry from financial services to retailing, health care to manufacturing. Start thinking about how you will embrace blockchain today! Make sure your business is ready for these changes.

7) Data Visualization

As data continues to grow, companies are getting better at making sense of it. That means one thing: The ability to spot patterns will have a huge impact on how businesses make decisions. Looking for insights and details in a large amount of information is now easier with tools that can perform statistical analysis and produce predictive results. This type of management is called dynamic reporting, where information is updated as quickly as it comes in.

Big data analytics provides a platform for processing structured and unstructured data sets stored in any kind of database or file system. This helps in getting multiple dynamic visualized reports in real-time. It directly gives a clear understanding of the revenues, forecasts, receivables, payables, operational efficiency, and so on.  Through big data visualization, you can create meaningful and informative dashboards that communicate effectively with your team. You’ll be able to get new perspectives on what’s happening across your organization—and discover new opportunities for growth.

How big data is aiding business growth

8) Big Data for Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is a type of statistical analysis that allows business owners to identify patterns and behaviors in their data. It helps them understand what will likely happen next based on past behavior. This can be useful for marketing. However, predictive analytics can also help companies improve how they make decisions, predict customer actions, and retain loyal customers.

Companies must use Predictive analytics to gain insight into their customers, and their operations and use these insights to increase the lifetime value of their customers, save operational costs and focus to increase revenues through cross-product sales to customers. Nonetheless, Predictions are just an estimate. If you’re using predictive analytics, take corrective action when necessary. For example, if your data shows that your product won’t sell well in one region or with one group of people, don’t assume you know everything about those groups—go out and talk to some people. Ask questions about why they aren’t buying your product or service.

9) Big Data for Social Media (Bigger Than You Think!)

Social media use is huge. The Pew Research Center found that 71% of internet users aged 18-29 use social networking sites, and 45% of all adults in 2013 used these websites—which probably means your customers are on one or more. After all, Facebook has 1.15 billion monthly active users, which is up from 845 million in 2011! With numbers like that, it’s easy to see why companies want to be where their customers are. And, if you’re not there yet, you need to start immediately. Here’s how:

The first step in starting with social media is to figure out what networks make sense for your business. If you sell products geared toward young people (like a clothing store), then Facebook might be a great place for you to start. Also, consider which of these sites have an audience that’s likely to overlap with your target market. If there are any demographics you’re specifically trying to reach, look into whether those sites can help. For example, Twitter has become popular among older users and professionals, so it may not be a good fit for most businesses. Social media marketing works best when it’s integrated into other types of marketing strategies. So once you decide where to focus your efforts, use social networking as another way to promote your company—whether through links on your website or by using Facebook ads or other paid advertising options.

Industries using big data analytics

10) Online Customer Reviews

Online reviews and ratings have become an integral part of business in today’s age. These days, business owners cannot afford to ignore online customer feedback. The most efficient way to deal with customer feedback is by listening to it! It takes time, effort, and a fair bit of money but having a large number of positive reviews on your website will help draw in new customers while retaining existing ones. It helps build trust among customers and helps them feel confident about buying from you. In fact, research has shown that 91% of consumers are likely to buy from a site that has user-generated content. That means that almost 9 out of every 10 people who visit your site are more likely to make a purchase if they see other users talking positively about their experience with you.

To be successful in today’s climate, businesses must find new ways to grow and increase profitability. The keys to doing this is to prioritize providing opportunities for customer delight and feedback online. This decade, digitalization and AI will be in use for all businesses, yielding financial benefits in the future.

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