Standard Report
- Stage of the Idea/Company
- Value Proposition
- Customer Profile
- Market Research
- Profitability
- Business Model
- Team Preparedness
- Execution Preparedness
- Product/Service Need Analysis
- Product/Service Preparedness
Detailed Report
- All Standard Parameters
- Market Segment
- Competition
- Founder Preparedness
- Process Mapping
- Customer Aquisition
- Revenue Generation
- Assumption Risk Mitigation
- Financial Preparedness
- Customer Preparedness
- Cost Preparedness
Focused Report
- All Standard & Detailed Parameters
- Promoter Passion
- Revenue Model
- Sales Model
- Life Cycle of Products
- Customer Revenue Analysis
- Customer Payment Cycle
- Employee Stock Options
- Succession Plans
- Competitive Market Position
- Profitability - Current Year
- Profitability - Last Year
- Revenue Analysis
- EBITDA Analysis
- Industry Analysis
- Region Analysis
- Yearly Growth Analysis
- Litigation Analysis
- New Client Analysis
- Client Attrition Analysis
- Ownership Analysis