Get Funded by ALCOR - ALCOR FUND

Get Funded by ALCOR Fund

ALCOR is a leading alternative asset management fund investing across multiple spectrums and verticals globally. Our pioneered risk mitigated investment platform coupled with global expertise and in-depth industry knowledge yield high growth and deliver impressive investment results. Our team of investment professionals evaluates opportunities across four continents.
Fast track process: If the Startup Readiness/ Risk Mitigation AI report is completed, an initial review will be completed within one week of receipt of the initial documents. The Term sheet will be issued after receiving all the relevant due diligence documents within a period of two weeks after the initial positive review, if there are no gaps between the Startup Readiness/ Risk Mitigation AI report and the due diligence documents submitted.
ALCOR Fund will receive your Pitch deck, business plan, growth plan, review the project against 40 different risk parameters and then decide whether to fund the project if it falls within the scope of the investment parameters. The timeline for the initial review is six weeks. The Term sheet will be issued after receiving all the relevant due diligence documents within a period of four weeks after the initial review.
An option will be given to the promoter/founder who does not get funding from ALCOR Fund to choose the option to get funded by the network of global investors, which includes Angel Investors, Corporate Investors, Family offices, Funds from across 60 countries who are aligned with ALCOR Investment Bank.

Are you Startup Ready?

Do you have a world-changing business idea?
ALCOR’s 40 Parameters AI Risk Assessment Report will check your start-up readiness and business risk analysis!
Now! Take the test to find out your idea’s investability